
A win for families, farmers & communities

Granite State Market Match doubles SNAP/EBT benefits for fruits and vegetables at participating farmers markets, farm stands, and CSAs. Double Up Food Bucks gives 50% off fresh fruits and vegetables at participating retail locations. These programs help households purchase more fresh fruits and vegetables all while supporting local farmers. Granite State Market Match and Double Up Food Bucks can both be used to purchase or receive a discount on fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, and seedlings.

All this work is lead by the New Hampshire Nutrition Incentive Network. The network is comprised of six regional non-profits and farmers market organizations that have united to make healthy food accessible to SNAP customers throughout the state. Led by the New Hampshire Food Bank, the NH Nutrition Incentive Network now offers SNAP, Granite State Market Match, and Double Up Food Bucks at more than 80+ locations.

NH Food Bank